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ARAL Vitam DF TOP 46


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Vitam DF TOP 46 is a zinc-free, HLP-D type hydraulic oil with excellent filterability (1 μm).

Vitam DF TOP 46 is suitable for all kinds of hydraulics, particularly in unfavorable operating conditions or when the danger of excessive vibrations exists.
These conditions can be the frequent temperature changes, humidity as well as impurities through emulsion, dust and other foreign elements.
With its detergent/ dispersant properties, the deposits and residues in systems are avoided, which could cause a malfunction of control elements.

Typical characteristics:
Density at 15 °C: 878 kg/m3
Viscosity at 0 °C: 570 mm2/sec
Viscosity at 40 °C: 46 mm2/sec - ISO VG 46
Viscosity at 100 °C: 6.8 mm2/sec
Viscosity index: 102
Pour point: -30 °C
Flash point, open cup: 232 °C
Oxide ash: 0.01 v/v%
Neutralization number: 0.16 mg KOH/g
Ageing characteristics:
- Neut.n. increase after 1000 hours: <1 mg KOH/g
- Neut.n. increase after 3000 hours: <2.0 mg KOH/g
Air release time at 50 °C: <5 minutes
Corrosiveness on copper: 1-100 A3
Corrosiveness on steel: 0-A / 0-B
FZG test, A/8,3/90: >12
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